When i look at one of my old Bibles - battered & worn out, in all its underlined and multicoloured glory - I can't help but lament and long for the days where it was so easy and second nature to feast down on the Word, versus what sometimes feels like a battle to even read a chapter these days! I sometimes wonder whats changed in me. Do we have different seasons as Christians? Yes. Is there a spiritual battle for our energy and attention? Yes. But I also put it down to growing complacent with good habits, and sometimes losing sight of my first love.

During time with the Lord this morning, as i longed for these former days, my prayer was this - I want to search this Book, to search for You Lord, as one who seeks hidden treasure.

But then a thought came.. The beauty of this "hidden treasure" is that we know exactly where to find it!!

How often with the epic treasure hunts of the movies are the treasures not guaranteed at the end. They may be gone, plundered already. Or never there in the first place.

Not so with God's Word!!

This treasure IS GUARANTEED. If you dig in these borders, you WILL find gold. To the open heart who hears the word with faith - When you mine here, you WILL find treasure more than choice silver and pearls without price.

Wisdom beyond measure. Comfort of all comforts. Courage enducing strength. Joy. Peace. Understanding. Insight. Direction. Correction. Warnings. Examples. Lessons. The message of the Gospel, salvation, and repentance. The person of Christ. The list is endless.

The treasure to be found here is real and truly priceless. When we seek the Lord in His word and meet him here, these lessons with have real implications for our lives from here into eternity.

Lord, teach me to treasure your Word once again. Give me a deep taste and desire to camp out in, and mine these pages.

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